Can You Have Diabetes And Not Know It
While there are strategies that can help manage diabetes prevention is a much more effective. That said there are several clues that might indicate that you either have a higher likelihood of developing diabetes or that you might be diabetic already and not yet know it. Could You Have Diabetes And Not Know It My now-all-too-familiar symptoms were described and the friend said Well it sounds like diabetes The moment I heard the word diabetes it was like a light clicked in my head. Can you have diabetes and not know it . If you have a parent or sibling with type two or adult onset diabetes this test is a must on a yearly basis. Type 2 diabetes may not cause any symptoms at all warns Pav Kalsi of Diabetes UK so if you have several risk factors - such as a family member who. My own experience was quite dramatic. If you have areas of darkened or velvety skin usually around your neck armpits or groin. The chronic disease in which blood sugars are elevated because the pancreas ei...