Favorite Books Of All Time
Perhaps the most notorious eat your vegetables novel of all time Moby-Dick looms on many peoples literary bucket lists like a shadowtoo long too flowery and much too concerned with 19th century whaling tactics. Louison Bobet is one of the legendary names in cycling history being a triple Tour de France winner and World Champion. Goodreads 100 Books You Should Read In A Lifetime 100 Best Books Books You Should Read Books In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust. Favorite books of all time . 19 Zeilen List of 100 best books of all time as voted on by 100 writers in 54 different countries. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. Tomorrow we ride - Jean Bobet. The plot the characters the dialogue much of which was lifted verbatim by John Huston for his screenplay for the beloved movie of the same name. You can make the case for many books to be on this list but only a few can be considered the best novel ever written. Gone Girl was one of the last books I read and it still leaves me feel...